Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thing 23

I had no idea there were so many different social networking sites. I was already a member of Racenation which is for athletes (again I use that term loosely as far as I am concerned). I had also joined Linked In but never quite figured it out. Plus, it didn't seem like too many people had even heard of it. I finally joined Facebook. Now I am the happy member of NING and Classroom2.0 oh, and let's forget 23Things. They all have their own individual twist.

When I explored Classroom2.0 I came across a video called It's Time to Change Learning. It really validated technology in the classroom. One thing the guy said was that we needed to adapt to the kids (and technology) not have the kids adapt to our old way of teaching. Pretty good stuff.

Another good post I checked out was Reading Revolution. Here two classes, one rural and one inner city used NING to discuss books they had read. I thought that was a unique way to get other people's perspective on a book rather than the same old classmates.

I joined two groups on Classoom2.o, Book Club for Educators and Elementary Reading Teachers

I found Nancy Willard's article on Schools and Social Networking interesting. She shared some of the same concerns I have. She works with middle schoolers so she would have diffferent problems. However, she stresses that social networks should be carefully monitored at school (sort of a duh). I would probably only use NING or those that are limited to educators. I like that they are ad free! They can access the other more social ones one their own time.

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