Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thing 22

I know I skipped a few but I could do this one easily, or easier than some of the others. I decided to save them until I am fresh!
I have dabbled with social networking for a few months although not Facebook. I joined RaceNation when I started running with the Dallas Running Club. They made it clear that it would be their mode of communication. I just got a profile and basically checked notifications and messages. I haven't really used it too much for 'talking' back and forth. I am part of a few groups, again that deal with running. It is a network for athletes ( and I use the term loosely for me). When I read comments people post or blogs I do find them interesting and people have gotten quesions answered etc.

I was hesitant to join Facebook, not because of any thing bad but because my kids were on it. Since I knew it had began as a way for university kids to communicate my own children were irritated when everyone in the world joined. I listened to them go on about how this 'old' person or that 'old' person had joined. I really felt like I was treading on their territory. I think they had this illusion that people over thirty, and certainly well over 30 shouldn't be into social networking.

Well, I joined.Right now Race Nation is easier for me to use. I am sure just because I am familiar with it. On Facebook while trying to set up my profile, I inadvertandly posted my three children as mother! Thankfully they are my 'friends' and called it (albeit publically)to my attention. I guess I am not as techno savvy as I thought.

I do think these have merit. Of course there is the reconnecting part which is cool. I have friends however, that say if they haven't kept up with them till now why start. Well, life gets in the way and if we now have an easy way to reconnect, why not?

Educationally, the different groups you can join is great. I haven't joined any yet, I was ovewhelmed with the search. I am thinking about making a group for the people in my literacy class. I think it would be a great way to stay in touch with current and past members.

I did look up friends and request to be friends. I like the feature 'mutal' friends. It makes it easy to link to them.

It can be a huge time sucker. But really what isn't? I know some people that will hole themselves up an entire weekend to read a book. What else are they getting done? Frankly, I would rather people spend time chatting and reconnecting then playing video games. Plus, you can control and set all those settings so that you don't get everything.

I also think there is merit for communicating with parents. This would be easier than 22 individual emails.

I have decided that facebook isn't the spawn of the devil that maybe we "older" folks had made it out to be. It's kind of fun see who is friends with whom, I look at some of the connections and just think wow how do they know each other. I think it's a great tool. If you don't want to alert the world that right now I am drinking coffee - then don't. I personally don't think anyone else is interested in my minute by minute activities. But hey, if others want to...some of them are sort of funny to read!

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