Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thing 21

I have to laugh about Google being a verb. I am glad it's been officially recognized. My daughter always says, "Let's just google it." She finds everything that way. I have used Google earth for a while as my map of choice. I have gotten updates from my son's college team through the year, but I am not sure it was through google alerts. Now, I'll have to check into it.
These tools were great. I had heard others talking about creating their own google homepage but I didn't know how to do it. I had the Google search page as my homepage, not real exciting. Obviously, I didn't know what I was doing. Now that I explored igoogle it makes a lot more sense. The best feature is your email shows there and I can delete without having to open/close a tab. Great! My page is a work i progress.

I have used Picasa for a while now but never the albums on Picasa Google. I have been invited to view other's but never did my own. Crazy. I created my own, called Why I Love Estes Park. I had a lot more pictures to add but it took a LONG time to upload them. So, I'll do it in stages. I think this is a great tool to share pictures with parents. All those pictures we take. Goodness, we spent a fortune getting them all developed, multiple prints for each child. Now, create an album of all the activities the class does and all parents have all the pics.

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