Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thing #6

Oh me! I can see how you need to narrow down your feeds. I find all of them fascinating. I really liked the tips from one (I can't remember which one or I would add it!) The author suggested checking them at those snippets of time or first thing in the morning. I like that idea. I typically try to get in a little early to check my emails so this would be good to add.

The blogs I chose to follow are written by people I admire and find interesting. After looking at all the different blogs I want to figure out to customize mine and add other things. I am amazed at the different levels of abilities.

This is a fast and furious class. I am looking forward to spending more time with the different topics afterwards to really flush things out.


  1. Glad you're having fun with Google Reader and RSS feeds. If you want to add my blog to your reader, the address is!

  2. Thanks, I checked it out and subscribed to it last week.
