Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thing #5

RSS feeds were fairly easy to add, with the exception of the tech learning site. I tried several times however it wouldn't load or subscribe or whatever it does. I never saw a "subscribe to this blog." It did have at the bottom "subscribe" however after filling out all my information it said it would take 6-8 weeks. I am thinking that wasn't what I wanted.

While adding the NY Times I learned from my mistakes! Yea! I accidently subscribed to a feed I didn't want. I figured out how to manage my feeds and delete one.

I thought the students' comments were interesting on the Where Did All the Students Go
site. Again, if we have students doing something, technology or otherwise, for the sake of doing it we have lost the purpose. If students begin blogging, but leave it for the newer Twitter, is that bad? They are still communicating through technology.

I can see how the feeds could become overwhelming, even distracting. Sort of like the email that pops up everytime you have new mail.

I am excited to explore this more. When I took One-Tech Tutorial (not much to show for it, I know) I thought RSS was nice but fluff. I am rethinking that now.

This has nothing to do with this Thing, but I have to get better about reading the instructions on-line. I have a tendancy to print everything. I know, I know, I have to work on it.


  1. RSS is how I get the majority of my professional reading these days. I love how immediate it is and that you can follow the thought processes of some of the real movers and shakers in the field. You know about their ideas almost as soon as they have them! No more waiting for their next book to come out AND you can communicate with them about their ideas if you want. That is way cool!

  2. I bet. I am looking forward to spending more time searching for those professional RSS. The fact that we can communicate with them is very exciting! When Richard talked about RSS in 1TT I wasn't sure why I would want to follow any. BUT, I can certainly see the advantage of subscribing to literacy ones, those experts. And the best sellers feed will be great.
