Monday, June 22, 2009

Thing #2

Web2.0 has already changed the face of our profession. Anyone who hasn't seen it has had their eyes closed. Teachers talk about how students are bored in class. I imagine they are if we are still using the old method of lecturing all the time. I am amazed at what kids know today and how they can access technology.

The access we have to the world wide web for virtual learning let's kids go places they will never physically go. The example teachers in the article, A Day in the Life of Web2.0, truly integrated their instruction. Bringing in technology makes learning both engaging and authentic. The students were using higher order thinking in all the examples. If the majority of jobs these students will hold are not even thought of, it is a huge disservice to them for us to not stay up to date with the technology we have at this point.

I am excited to learn how to use not only the blogs but podcasts with the teachers in my literacy class this coming year. I also think a webpage for the different content areas sounds intriguing.


  1. I am constantly hearing teachers say they don't have time to add technology to their curriculum. I agree with you that it's all about integrating! Computer lab activities shouldn't be going to a website and playing educational games (which I see a LOT)! It can be so much more and really add to the curriculum they are learning in the classroom!

  2. I agree. I think fear is a big part of the problem. Sometimes I think teachers are afraid to learn from the students. That old mind set of 'all knowing teacher' is gone. Now, using technology just to use technology I have issues with. Sometimes I see that...
